Tips & Trends

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Tips & Trends

Tips & Trends

B2B Buyers Have Changed: Evolve With Them

The world of B2B eCommerce is thriving, as the needs and desires of B2B buyers are forever changing. You're at a defining moment where you can choose multiple paths to boost your online presence. Explore why some options have more opportunities than others and stake your claim.

Tips & Trends

4 New and Improved Plumbing Tools and Methods to Be Aware Of

The industry is always coming out with new and improved plumbing tools and more advanced plumbing methods to help plumbers work more efficiently.

Tips & Trends

7 Tasks You Shouldn't Attempt Without Safety Glasses

While it seems to be common sense to wear safety glasses whenever there's a risk of injury to the eyes or face, that doesn't mean workers always wear them when they should. You may have specific requirements about wearing safety glasses that either meet or exceed OSHA guidelines.

Tips & Trends

4 Trends that Will Modernize the Electrical Industry

If there’s one industry that’s been quietly booming over the last couple of years, it’s the electrical industry. Everything from the integration of digital technologies to record-breaking employment numbers has been pushing innovation and growth.

Tips & Trends

Amps, Volts, Ohms, and Watts: A Glossary of Essential Electric Terms

Sometimes it feels like electrical contractors speak a language all their own. From amps and volts to ohms and watts—if you don’t know what all these terms mean, it can be a challenge communicating with contractors or knowing how to get the right electrical products and supplies for your project.

Tips & Trends

Welding and Cutting Safety: Hazards and Precautions

For many, it stands to reason that equipment that produces intense heat is inherently dangerous. However, welding and cutting have become so familiar on worksites, it’s easy to forget about the potential dangers. Welding and cutting safety must be a priority, no matter how commonplace it is.

Tips & Trends

The Smart Contractor’s Guide to Growing a Construction Business

From home renovation projects to new builds, people will always seek out the work of an experienced and reliable contractor. This translates to huge opportunities for those in the construction industry who know their craft well and who are interested in starting their own business.

Tips & Trends

The Complete Guide to Respiratory Protection at Work

Keeping workers safe in a variety of environments is essential to remaining compliant and reducing risk. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), millions of workers in the U.S. are required to wear respirators at work.

Tips & Trends

The Ultimate Guide to Painting a House

Painting a house is a big job—one that requires the right experience and tools. Typically, homeowners look at painting the exterior of their home as a way to boost curb appeal and their property's value.