Why Cleaning Your Commercial Restroom Is Good for Your Business + Checklist


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It’s no secret that first impressions matter, and restroom cleanliness is one major point that can make or break your customers', employees', and clients' experience. A clean restroom shows that a business cares about its appearance and the health of its employees and customers.

In fact, 50% of people will spend more at a business that has a clean and tidy restroom versus a business that doesn't, according to the 10th Annual Healthy Hand Washing Survey by Bradley Corp.

Not only is restroom cleaning important for the health of employees and customers, but it also reflects the business's overall commitment to sanitation. Plus, it's your chance to make a lasting impression that can positively impact the growth and goodwill of the business.

If you’re still not convinced, we’re flushing out all the need-to-know details about restroom cleanliness below.

The Importance of Business Restroom Cleanliness

Cleaning your business’s restroom and keeping it odor-free is vital to the health and well-being of your employees and customers.

Without proper cleaning, germs and bacteria can run rampant. Health officials have traced the norovirus to public restrooms, further stressing the importance of following the sanitation requirements set forth by OSHA so that restrooms don't pose a threat to anyone’s health.

Because our need to combat germs has been heightened by COVID, restroom cleanliness has become more important than ever. In fact, 50% of people would inform others of a poor experience in an unclean restroom. There are even websites with the purpose of sharing photos and stories of poor restroom hygiene! On top of that, for an establishment with poor restroom reviews, 46% of people would avoid going to that business altogether! Customers are more likely to return if they find the restrooms clean, well-maintained, and well-ventilated (especially important in areas with poor air circulation).

The Impact of Restroom Cleanliness

People often equate the cleanliness of your restroom to the cleanliness of your business as a whole. Why? Because image matters. The appearance of your business’s interior impacts how others see it and what it stands for.

Customers and employees will remember the state of your restroom long after they’ve left, and it can make or break the growth and goodwill value of your business. Taking every chance you have to make a great impression and enhance the perception of your business is key. Just as you drive value through your products and services, you can do the same by portraying a positive image to your employees and customers to show them you care. A clean restroom ensures their health and well-being and serves as a valuable business asset.

Would you support a business with an unkempt restroom? When it comes to healthcare facilities, 77% of people will avoid ones with a gross restroom. The stats hold true no matter the industry—79% will avoid a restaurant or hotel, 45% will drive to another gas station, and 50% will avoid a grocery store, says a survey conducted by Harris Interactive.

You simply can’t afford not to have a clean restroom in today's competitive marketplace.

How to Maintain Restroom Cleanliness

Keeping your restroom in tip-top shape isn’t hard with the right restroom cleaning supplies. Like anything, it just takes consistent effort and care to keep it in a state that would make even mom proud.

Because day-to-day operations can quickly become hectic, we've developed a cleaning log and curated a restroom cleaning checklist of supplies for your convenience—because our job is making yours easier. In an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated, there’s a greater sense of job satisfaction among workers. This leads to higher productivity, better customer service, and increased profits for your company overall.

Download Cleaning Log

Remember, a clean restroom plays a pivotal role in placing your business in a positive light, not only to your customers, but to your employees as well. Helping to maintain their health shows that you care! We’re here to support small business owners, so be sure to shop our products for all of your restroom cleanliness needs!


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The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness, or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand, and follow all manufacturer instructions.