The Top 5 Construction Industry Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Construction Trends to Watch

As the construction industry continues to evolve, staying ahead of the game and up to date on industry trends is essential. That's especially true if you own a construction business and wish to remain competitive over the long term. Fortunately, new techniques and technologies in the construction space are making it easier than ever to stay ahead of the curve while boosting efficiency, saving money, and even promoting sustainability and safer working conditions. In this article, we'll explore five of the top construction industry trends to watch in 2023, including sustainable building practices, virtual construction, off-site fabrication, the use of drones, and many others.

Commercial Construction Trends for 2023 and Beyond

1. Modular Construction

Illustration of a crane lifting a small building

The construction industry is beginning to embrace off-site construction methods—which involve constructing components and even entire buildings in controlled, off-site conditions—with the hope of improving efficiency, reducing waste, and cutting down carbon emissions. These innovative approaches offer standardized processes that can solve productivity challenges and boost the pace of projects. According to a survey by Deloitte, 46% of respondents plan to invest in these capabilities in the coming year as more and more businesses adopt modular methods. 

By the end of 2023, off-site construction could become one of the most popular approaches to construction, with the market expected to reach a value of $157 billion. Popular applications for modular designs include healthcare facilities, hotels, motels, multifamily buildings, and college structures.

2. Sustainability

A recycle logo superimposed on an illustrated background showing a construction site

Sustainability has been a hot topic in construction for many years now, and the coming years will be no exception. As customers and citizens become more conscious of the carbon footprint of new construction, they will increasingly place pressure on developers to find more sustainable methods of construction. 

In 2023 and beyond, these solutions could range from greater use of green construction materials and renewable energy to a focus on creating a more transparent and sustainable supply chain. In fact, according to a 2021 report on World Green Building Trends, 46% of respondents said they were focusing their efforts on "green" approaches to building, and that number is likely to grow considerably in the coming years.

3. Green Buildings

Illustration of 2 buildings surrounded by "green" initiatives such as solar panels, rooftop gardens, bicycles, and trees.

Green buildings are yet another trend in construction that will be worth keeping an eye on. Typically, green building involves the construction of environmentally sustainable buildings—both in the way they're constructed and the way their use will impact the environment in the years that follow. Building greener structures has been a focus for governments and regulators in many industries, and according to one McKinsey study, 90% of construction industry respondents see a shift towards sustainability and green building as "imminent."

4. Living Building Materials

Illustration showing a person wearing a hard hat and rubber boots, carrying a shovel and working on a road. Little critters and bacteria are being shown greatly magnified through a magnifying glass.

An interesting trend to note is the development of "living materials." These are biological compounds (usually natural materials composed of bacteria and fungi) such as self-mending concrete, a fascinating living material that has the potential to reshape the construction industry. While these materials and compounds are still in development, they could end up completely reinventing the construction industry in the coming years as more living materials are discovered and developed.

5. Technology Advancements

Illustration of a bearded man wearing a hard hat and sitting at a computer showing a pie chart and a bar graph with an arrow indicating the upward trend of the bar graph.

The construction industry is undergoing major transformations led by exciting new technologies and advancements. For example, developers and contractors are increasingly investing in emerging digital and physical technologies to enhance efficiency. These include visual intelligence, sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, robotics, immersive collaboration, drones, and even 3D printing. 

For example, some site managers are now using drones for safety monitoring and making accurate measurements, resulting in improved safety standards while reducing billions of dollars of waste from inaccurate measurements. By using drones, construction companies can survey and inspect locations without risking human lives, contributing to a 55% increase in safety standards

Additionally, virtual design and construction (VDC) tools like Building Information Modeling (BIM) make it possible for builders and developers to create virtual models of structures before they begin construction, significantly reducing rework costs down the line. Taken together, these technological advancements are positioned to revolutionize the industry and drive cost savings, better efficiency, and greater safety in a notoriously dangerous industry.

The Development of New Construction Materials

Another shift underway is the development and use of new construction materials with benefits like a reduced carbon footprint, fewer emissions, and less waste.

Some examples include:

  • Engineered cementitious composite (ECC), also known as bendable concrete
  • Engineered timber 
  • Recycled materials 
  • 3D-printed building materials

How to Get Involved with the Construction Industry

Looking to get started in the construction industry, but not sure how to take the first step? Consider the following options to jumpstart your construction career.

  • Attend a trade school to gain foundational knowledge and skills.
  • Get certified in your area of expertise to demonstrate your proficiency and knowledge.
  • Obtain items such as safety gear and tools from

From greater sustainability to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and even safety improvements, these five trends and technologies are poised to have a significant impact on the construction industry going forward. They represent great strides taken to improve the construction industry and better satisfy customers while also improving the bottom line. In order to stay competitive in an increasingly crowded marketplace, these are exactly the trends and opportunities that every construction business owner and manager should take into account in 2023 and the years to come.

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