4 Trends that Will Modernize the Electrical Industry

From 5G to smart grid technology, here's what to look out for this year

If there’s one industry that’s been quietly booming over the last couple of years, it’s the electrical industry. Everything from the integration of digital technologies to record-breaking employment numbers has been pushing innovation and growth.

While electricians may see a small decrease in demand next year overall, there will still be many shifts and exciting changes in the industry that you’ll want to stay on top of. Here’s a look at four electrical industry trends to watch in 2020.

High-Tech Safety Equipment that Will Revolutionize Safety

A wearable that can help to protect contractors from electrocution? Now that’s the type of innovative personal protective equipment (PPE) we’ve all been waiting to see. This year, that level of safety technology may be the norm in high-risk industries like electrical, mining, and construction.

One of the newest devices in this area is Proxxi. This recently released armband is a wearable voltage sensor that warns the user when they get close to a dangerous electrical field.

The device can connect to a smartphone, letting contractors know what the warning is about. Data is then captured and made available to the wider organization, providing valuable safety data to decision makers.

This type of technology takes the concept of PPE to a whole new level, offering smart protection but also arming organizations with vital information.

2020 Will Be the Year of the Data Center for Electrical Contractors

In 2020, industrial growth is predicted to slow and organizations are expected to reduce their capital expenditures as a reaction to tariff scares. That means the demand for electrical work is also likely to shrink a little overall.

Unless you have your eye on what’s happening with cloud technology.

The reality is, more businesses are turning to cloud services. This year, 83 percent of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud – and that’s only the beginning. The need for more data centers is just heating up and this is going to have a major impact on the electrical industry moving forward.

Electricians with specialized knowledge will be tasked with helping to build the 4,000 new data centers that need to be created from 2018 through 2020. And that’s in the US alone.

This won’t just shift the type of work electricians will be doing – it will also impact what cables, generators, and other electrical supplies will be needed. Data centers require an incredible amount of electrical energy. Electrical contractors will have to use high-quality supplies in order to deliver the best service.

Increase in Demand for Smart Buildings with 5G

It’s not just the rise of cloud technology that’s impacting the electrical industry. 5G will bring about another layer of incredible change in what consumers, businesses, governments, and industrial clients want. If you thought the smart home revolution was profound, fasten your seatbelt – we’re now heading toward smart cities.

Schools, transportation, hospitals – everyone is going to start looking at the advantages of wireless tech and increased connectivity in 2020 and 2021. Contractors with expertise in smart electrical supplies and systems are going to thrive in this new future.

Even the Grid Is Getting Smarter

While technology attempts to make our lives more efficient, it also increases the amount of electricity we require because we need energy to power our tech. One way the electrical industry is dealing with this shift is by making the grid itself smarter. With the use of sensors and other smart technologies, both utilities and energy customers can learn more about their energy needs, which will help both sides gain better control over usage. For 2020, electrical contractors will want to make sure they are ready to work with smart grid technologies.

Getting Ready for the Future of the Industry

There’s no question that 2020 will be a pivotal year for the electrical industry with the release of 5G and the changes in how towns and cities across the country engage with electricity. Businesses may use less – only because the data centers they rely on are using more. Everyone from individual households to schools and retail stores will be looking for ways to cut their energy usage with smarter technology, and smart homes, cities, and grids will become the norm.

This puts a lot of pressure on electrical contractors to stay on top of industry trends and to continue to learn the skills required to service a 21st-century, 5G, mega-smart society.

For the electrical supplies you and your organization need, from generators to sensors, count on a company that puts your needs first. Browse our electrical supplies today or contact us with questions.

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The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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