How to Select the Best Air Purifier for Your Business

You may have already determined that an air purifier is essential for your business as a way to keep employees and visitors safe from respiratory dangers like pollutants, mold, airborne debris, viruses, and more. But once you've made that decision, you'll still need to find the right air purifier for your needs. In this buying guide, we'll take a closer look at the considerations you'll want to make when shopping for an air purifier for your business.

Determine the Size of Your Room or Space

One of the most important considerations for choosing an air purifier is the total size (in square feet) of your room, working area, or space. Whether you're using a purifier in one contained area or across your entire facility, making this calculation ahead of time will help you determine how powerful your air purifier will need to be. 

For the most part, air purifiers will include information on how quickly and efficiently they can remove particles from the air in a given space. Simply determine the total square footage needed to choose the right purifier, and keep in mind that significant vertical space (such as high ceilings or multiple levels) may require a more powerful purifier as well.

Know Your Pollutants

Some air purifiers may be excellent at filtering out certain particles and pollutants, but less effective at dealing with others. Start by determining what types of pollutants are most common (and present the biggest health risks) inside your facility, then shop for an air purifier that's specifically designed to remove these particles from your space.

Understand Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) and Air Changes Per Hour (ACH)

When selecting an air purifier, considering both the CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) and ACH (Air Changes per Hour) is crucial. CADR measures the efficiency of an air purifier in removing pollutants such as dust, pollen, and smoke, indicating how quickly it can improve air quality in a space. The ACH reflects how many times an air purifier can filter the entire volume of air within a room per hour, providing insight into its effectiveness in maintaining consistently clean air over time.

Noise Levels

While unclean air and pollutants may represent a serious health risk to your employees, noise pollution can cause issues over time, too, so it's important to consider the noise level (usually measured in decibels) of your air purifiers. This is especially true for more powerful purifiers used in commercial spaces, which are likely to be louder. Fortunately, air purifiers with quieter designs are increasingly common and are no longer difficult to find.

Type of Filter

Consider the type of filter used by your air purifier and its efficiency level, which will give you a good idea of how well it can trap and remove small particles from the air. Generally speaking, High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are ideal due to their ability to remove 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and more. Activated carbon filters are also useful in commercial settings when it comes to removing odors from the air, as well as trapping gasses and noxious chemicals.

Proper Placement

Within your facility or space, position all air purifiers strategically in central areas with high foot traffic (or high concentrations of workers) and near potential pollutant sources. Ensure proper airflow by keeping them away from obstructions, maximizing their effectiveness in maintaining a healthier indoor environment for employees and customers.

Maintenance Schedule and Costs

While air purifiers come with initial costs and ongoing electricity expenses, prioritizing regular maintenance is crucial to prolonging their lifespan and optimizing performance. Neglecting maintenance could lead to reduced efficiency and potential costly repairs, underscoring the importance of proper care to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Smart Technology

Newer air purifiers often come with smart technology and built-in connections to smartphone apps, which can be handy in certain environments. For example, you may be able to control the purifier from your phone or set it up to activate automatically at certain times or when it detects air quality changes.


Consider the portability and size of air purifiers within your business to ensure they can be easily moved to areas of need and fit seamlessly into your space without causing obstruction. This is especially important if the purifier will need to be moved from one location to another on a regular basis.

Energy Efficiency

Choosing energy-efficient air purifiers (especially those with Energy Star ratings) can help your business save money on electricity while saving energy and reducing environmental impact. These units are designed to consume less power without compromising on performance, making them a cost-effective and sustainable choice for indoor air quality management.

* * *

Air purifiers are excellent tools for improving the air quality of your business's indoor spaces while promoting the health and safety of all employees, visitors, customers, and clients. By taking the time to research your options and choosing an air purifier that meets your needs, you can ensure that your budget is allocated appropriately and that your purifier will serve you for many years to come.

Shopping for air purifiers for your small business? Find everything you need at!

Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness, or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand, and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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