AI Is Transforming the Construction Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way construction gets done. Learn how your construction business can save money, plan more effectively, and mitigate on-the-job hazards with the help of AI.

The construction industry is one of the biggest drivers in the economy. It’s an old industry, but not one that avoids new technology. In fact, construction has been investing in technology for some time, with much of its spending going toward artificial intelligence. AI in the construction market is expected to hit $45.1B by 2026[1]. So, how is AI transforming the construction industry? Let’s explore the answer.

The Potential for AI in Construction Is Massive

Applying AI in the construction industry delivers so many opportunities. It’s deeply influencing every layer of the construction process. It’s reducing risk, managing budgets, improving productivity, driving better planning, and saving money.

The transformation correlates with practical and revolutionary use cases.

AI and Big Data Make Projects Less Risky

Leveraging AI in the planning process can make a big difference. There are many inherent risks in construction. There’s a risk with cost, time, safety, and quality. AI helps mitigate these in a few ways.

Breaking down big projects: If the project involves a large crew working on parallel tasks, technology helps prioritize these and exposes dependencies.

Risk detection on-site: By using technology to scan the job site, you can detect real-time threats, such as unsafe scaffolding or workers not wearing protective gear.

Predicting Cost Overruns

Going over budget is common in the construction sector[2]. For those companies that can manage this, it can lead to more work and success. AI can help predict cost overruns by crunching historical data. Looking at similar projects through the lens of AI enables predictive modeling. These forecasts allow you to develop more realistic timelines and costs.

During the project, you can use AI to foresee overruns as well. Taking 3D scans of a site and uploading those to a deep neural network brings true clarity to the project's status. It’s an unbiased view that can identify issues. You can then address those issues to get things back on track.

Increasing Productivity of Workers

Smart equipment can be a great support for your workers, helping them get more done. Robotics powered by AI assist workers with repetitive tasks and “work” with people to complete jobs. Robotics can also be a tool for hazardous work like demolitions, which improves safety as well.

There are also other kinds of smart equipment. Autonomous bulldozers work to prepare a jobsite. Other machinery can pour concrete or do additional work that doesn’t necessarily require human intervention.

With machines that can work without humans, workers can focus on more high-level tasks that require skill. The entire site is more productive.

Smarter Planning

BIM (business information modeling) drives digital planning and construction. It creates a 3D model. It’s fundamental to planning, but it's not perfect. Integrating BIM with PIM (product information management) provides more information on how to design a project.

Adding AI to the mix results in smarter planning. The details on products are in the model. AI then reviews all aspects of a plan. In this assessment, the technology offers recommendations for solutions. Infusing it into BIM software allows you to detect patterns to improve decision-making and makes the planning process more efficient.

Another aspect of planning is scheduling. Without effective scheduling, timelines will hit bumps. The more complex the project and the more contractors, the more confusing for project managers. AI can help.

AI automates scheduling and prevents conflicts. Think of AI as a coordinator that can look at data and anticipate delays. With this foresight, project managers can be more confident in their schedules.

AI makes the idea of continuous planning possible. It can steer you in the case of disruptions or challenges, such as the pandemic. Construction is an essential business, but the coronavirus continues to impact it. One of the biggest problems has been supply chains. AI can find ways to keep projects moving by identifying product availability or alternatives.

AI Delivers Savings

The construction industry is always hungry to save money. Technology has always had a role in reducing costs. While AI is an investment, it yields real savings. In all the scenarios above, you can see how AI drives efficiency and productivity. With better planning comes fewer hidden costs, as well.

When seeing the impact holistically, AI is a true conduit to drive down expenses. It not only saves money but also time, which directly impacts costs.

Are You Leveraging AI?

AI is dramatically changing the construction industry. It can be a valuable tool to help you grow and sustain your construction business. For more tips, read The Smart Contractor’s Guide to Growing a Construction Business[3].




Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand and follow all manufacturer instructions.